June Newsletter

We Want You!

(OK, well, we’ve made our point!)

As we cruise through a great summer, we’re retooling a few things to gear up for fall. One, we’re redesigning our web site. Expect a new look sometime in the coming month. Two, we’re fine-tuning our gift shop. Three, we’re working out the kinks in our new Square Mullet Coffee Company, open whenever we are. Four, we continue the process of digitizing our collection and finding a way to rotate it so you see something new every few months, and so those of you out of town can peek into our past from the comfort of your armchair.

That’s kind of a lot, and we’re just getting started!

That’s where you come in to play. If you have a few hours to volunteer, we’d love to see your smiling face at the museum. Signing up for as few as two hours is easier than ever – just click here to choose specific shifts between now and the end of the year. You can choose one or 20; it’s up to you. If it’s been a while since you’ve volunteered, or if you’re no, no fear – we’ll be there for your first shift to train you. It’s easy as pie!

Now, with no further ado, a word from our chairwoman, Christine Brown:

On behalf of the board of directors of the Gulfport History Museum, thank you!  Whether you are a benefactor who has given financial support, or someone who has shared your time and talents to benefit us,  or you offered ideas and suggestions, we want you to know we truly appreciate your generosity as you stepped up to help make the transition of your history museum a success.

Please consider spending a few hours a month at the museum, and bring a friend. The conversation and fellowship is refreshing. The research material available for viewing provides a window into the past that can be quite thought provoking. That, along with good coffee, and your day is complete.

The lives and culture of times gone by is shining through as we highlight the rich history of Gulfport in our current exhibit, Sand Dollars: Gulfport’s Beach and Its Economy.  Our goal is to continue to emphasize the people, the stories, and the culture that has made Gulfport the great city it is today. We are thrilled to carry on with our mission through upcoming events and hope that you will continue to partner with us as we keep history alive in Gulfport.  Thank you again for your continued support!

See you at the museum.


Help name our 2016 calendar!

Our 2016 wall calendar will feature retouched photographs of life on the water in Gulfport. We need a name for the theme, so we’re asking the community to give us some ideas. If you have a suggestion, email it to info@gulfporthistoricalsociety.org. If we pick your entry, you get a free wall calendar (and all the credit!)

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